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Turbulence and Waves



The Turbulence and Waves Group at the University of Torino (TWT) focuses on the  theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of non-linear phenomena in fluid dynamics. 

- Eulerian and Lagrangian properties of fluid  turbulence in two and three dimensions
- Turbulent and chaotic transport of inertial and active species, e.g. inertial particles, polymers.
- Turbulent convection and geophisical flows

- Plankton behaviour in turbulence

- Nonlinear dynamics: rogue waves, solitons and breathers

- Statistical properties of interacting waves: the weak wave turbulence approach

- Ocean waves

Numerical, theoretical and experimental.

1) Prof. F. Croccolo, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
2) Dr. M. E. Rosti Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
3) Prof. A. Mazzino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale, Università di Genova
4) Dr. D. Vincenzi, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Nice, France

Direct Numerical Simulations, Turbulence, Turbulent Convection, Lagrangian Transport, Microswimmers

Projects involving some group members :

  • INFN FieldTurb project:
  • COST Action MP1305 "Flowing Matter": (CONCLUDED)
  • Grant for Internationalization - GFI "Processi convettivi in mezzi porosi",  with the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
  • Wave Turbulence - Simons Collaborations in MPS program, Ente finanziatore Simons Foundation (01/09/2019 - 01/09/2023) PI:Miguel Onorato


Prodotti della ricerca

  • Transient inverse energy cascade in free surface turbulence, G. Boffetta, S. Musacchio, A. Mazzino, M.E. Rosti, Phys. Rev. Fluids 8 034601 (2023).
  • Polymer stretching in laminar and random flows: Entropic characterization, S. Musacchio, V. Steinberg, D. Vincenzi, Phys. Rev. Fluids 8 053301 (2023).
  • Stokes drift and impurity transport in a quantum fluid, U Giuriato, G Krstulovic, M Onorato, D Proment, Physical Review A 107 (6), L061303 (2022)
  • Anomalous conduction in one-dimensional particle lattices: Wave-turbulence approach, F De Vita, G Dematteis, R Mazzilli, D Proment, YV Lvov, M Onorato, Physical Review E 106 (3), 034110 (2022)
  • Flocking turbulence of microswimmers in confined domains, L Puggioni, G Boffetta, S Musacchio, Physical Review E 107 (5), 055107 (2023)
  • Mean flow and fluctuations in the three-dimensional turbulent cellular flow, S Berti, G Boffetta, S Musacchio, Physical Review Fluids 8 (5), 054601 (2023)
  • Alignment of elongated swimmers in a laminar and turbulent Kolmogorov flow, M Borgnino, G Boffetta, M Cencini, F De Lillo, K Gustavsson, Physical Review Fluids 7 (7), 074603 (2022)


Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/09/2023 11:04
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