FORNERIS J.-Compagnia di San Paolo - Bando ex-post - Anno 2020 - "Deterministic Fabrication of Fock State Sources" - Cda 21/12/2021
Ente finanziatore
Compagnia di San Paolo
01/01/2022 - 01/01/2024
Responsabile scientifico
Jacopo Forneris
Partecipanti al progetto
- Forneris Jacopo (Responsabile scientifico)
Descrizione del progetto
FORJ_S1921_EX-POST_21_01The ex-post funding scheme provides support to the PI scientific research, following the "A" ranking of the 2020 ERC-StG proposal "D-FOCK - Deterministic Fabrication of Fock State Sources", towards further proposal submissions at the EU and international level.